Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Progress On Blog!

Hey guys!

First of all, I wanted to say I'm really sorry about my lack of posts.

I'm going to redo this blog, expect some bugs and glitches...

PupQuotes will be a new blog in a few weeks! So sorry again, but expect a better blog!

~Shelterpet <3

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ban The Mill

Hai! It's Shelterpet here with another post. Sorry I haven't posted in a while-I'm going to try to post daily now. I'd love it if you guys could use that +1 button on the right-it only takes a second! I've got some more puppy mill quotes I'd love to share with you another day, but for now, here's the first one. If you want, feel free to skip through the next paragraph, but please read it! It's very important!

How would you like to be a dog? Stuffed in a cage with other mean and hopeless dogs? With no toys, no love, no freedom? How would you like to be a mom, forced to breed excessive litters of 11+ more dogs at an unsafe level? Welcome to a puppy mill.

Every year, 100,000 dogs are bred at mills. They usually have health problems, and when they do, they get killed right away. If they are healthy, they get sent to pet stores. 90% of pet store dogs are from puppy mills. Start adopting and stop shopping!

Have any questions? Comment below and I'll answer them in another post!

Thanks so much! Maybe sub to my posts?

~Shelterpet <3

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Welcome to PupQuotes!

Welcome to PupQuotes! PupQuotes is a small blog celebrating the love of dogs and helping to end puppy mills.

With index cards.

It's simple.

So here is the first index card. I'm not the best illustrator, but I try...
 I'm still working on the moderation and home page, so expect to see some changes soon. Hopefully I can get some subs!

Anyways, here's my inspiration for PupQuotes. My dog, Alex. He was a shelter dog adopted a few years ago. Maybe I'll have to tell his story in a different post.
But thank you SO much for reading PupQuotes! Please stay tuned for more dog stories, quotes, and drawings!
~<3 ShelterPet